Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Write a Prisoner

by Leonard Eiger

“I was in prison, and…”

Holiday Greetings People of Peace.  And, what a year it's been!  For those of us in the Anti-Nuclear and Anti-War Resistance Movement it has been a year of continued struggle against an ever growing (and out-of-control) Military-Industrial Complex.  From drones to nuclear weapons and more, dedicated peacemakers have steadfastly resisted the dominant culture of war.

At places like Fort Benning, Y-12, Kansas City, STRATCOM, Hancock Field, Downing Street  and Jeju Island, resisters stood their ground taking a stand for justice and peace.  They spoke out against a host of immoral and illegal actions by their governments.  And for their actions many were arrested, tried and put in prison.

Acting on conscience, they have become prisoners of conscience.  Some serve a few days or weeks, while others serve months or years.  Helen Woodson was recently released after serving nearly 27 years for the Silo Pruning Hooks Plowshares action!

All are jailed unjustly; it would be inconvenient for governments and the corporations they serve to face the truth and let real justice be served.

They may be out of sight, but they are not forgotten.  Consider spreading a little extra Holiday cheer this Christmas.  Send a message of support to one (or more) of these prisoners.  Include some news from the outside.  I frequently print articles from the progressive press - Common Dreams is a great source - and include them with my letters.

You can find addresses for prisoners of conscience at the Nuclear Resister's Inside & Out page:

The Nuclear Resister also keeps us up-to-date on what's happening in the anti-nuclear and anti-war resistance movement in the U.S. and around the world:

Finally, a BIG SHOUT-OUT to all who support resisters - from those who support them during actions, to legal teams, to prison support teams - on their journeys.  We're all in this together.

Read Advent reflections from these prisoners of conscience.


Puget Sound Nuclear Weapon Free Zone  (Coordinator)
Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action (Media & Outreach)
Disarm Now Plowshares (Media & Outreach)


[Ed. Note: Our incarcerated brothers and sisters not involved in peace and justice also need letters.  You can find inmates by contacting prisons in your state.  Write a Prisoner is an on-line resource that connects inmates with pen-pals.  Their web-site is here.]

1 comment:

  1. This is my first visit to the Catholic Worker news. The connect is my friend and fellow worker at the Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action, near Kitsap Bangor Base for nuclear subs and missiles. The Tacoma Catholic Workers are a major presence in our Ground Zero efforts.
